Emergency response in non-permissive regions

How Think-it helped pilot a decentralized solution for real-time matching of patients to medical services in conflict zones to enhance community safety and first responder effectiveness

Public services, NGOHealthcareAPI DesignCloud InfrastructureAndroidGrowth/Scale-up

The story

Regions in Syria are deeply affected by the conflict with Russia, where healthcare facilities face immense challenges in treating patients due to limited resources and infrastructure, compounded by unreliable internet connectivity. Before the project's inception, these facilities resorted to using WhatsApp for exchanging vital patient information, but this method proved inefficient and cumbersome due to connectivity issues and the need for extensive manual coordination.

We had to get the OFAC license to secure more funds and to be able to get to production which we had secured in late February 2024. There were additional barriers posed by the volatile environment of the conflict zone, including logistical hurdles and connectivity concerns.

Hala Systems App

Think-it’s role

The team recognized the need for a solution that could function offline, providing essential information about available healthcare services and facilitating seamless communication and collaboration among health facilities.

We built a user-friendly and fully offline working mobile application that allows healthcare facilities to create and manage patient cases, receive recommendations for suitable referral destinations based on treatment needs, coordinate transportation arrangements, and efficiently close cases upon successful treatment.


Why it mattered

The team had the opportunity to directly engage with Syrian health directors in Turkey, where the team presented the first MVP and received invaluable feedback. This interaction not only validated the importance of the project but also highlighted the human impact it could have on improving healthcare delivery in conflict-affected areas.

The project aimed to achieve significant metrics, including: Reduction in patient referral time by approximately 60%, Increase in successful referrals by 40%, Adoption by 15 healthcare facilities within the first month of deployment


What our partners say about us

In my entire career of working with various service teams, the Think-it team has been by far the best I’ve ever worked with. Their commitment, ownership, and delivery set a new standard in my eyes what it means to really take ownership in a partnership.
JohnCo-Founder and Managing Director, Hala Systems

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